
Thursday, March 17, 2011


  1. I love high heels!  I just don't feel right unless my heel is at least 3 1/2 inches.  Fact, before I was about 21 years old my wardrobe basically consisted of baby tees, jeans, sneakers, or timberlands.  Whoa, I have come a long way and my taste has changed so much!
  2. Three words to describe my current style:  elegant, classic, feminine.
  3. I am Jamaican.  I was born there but moved to the US when I was just a baby.  My parents are both biracial.  Both half black, one half white, and the other half east-indian. 
  4. I love sweets!
  5. I used to be obsessed with long hair.  Now, my aim is for healthier, stronger, thicker hair!
  6. I have an affinity to middleeastern/indian culture and aesthetics.  I soo want to continue bellydancing classes I started years ago! 
  7. Here's a secret- quite a few years ago, I actually went to a tanning salon on more than one occasion to get darker.  :)  And no, I have never told this fact to a sole!!!   Have any other black girls out there ever done this?  Please share your experience.
  8. My career ambition at 10 years old was to...become a model.  Actually written in my fourth grade year book!  Lol
  9. Past and present girl crushes:  Rihanna, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian,  and Adriana Lima.
  10. One thing I don't do and can't stand is gossip!
  11. I am a relatively quiet  and somewhat shy person.  Doing my best to break out of that and get back to that bold little social butterfly that I was when I was younger.

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